Steve Larson

Steve Larson

National Trainer - Life Educator!

Steve’s teaching philosophy is simple. He is in complete agreement with Madeline Hunter who said, “Kids don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!” Some would say she was being too “warm and fuzzy” but what she meant was you are not going to reach some kids academically until you first reach them on the “human to human” level.  The subject matter in our classrooms cannot always keep pace with or compete with the “drama” in their lives.   Often missing from our classrooms today is a real “connection with the kids.”   A prepared, knowledgeable, caring and protective teacher will engage all  students with a positive regard.  Providing them with an environment in which they can feel safe, learn to think for themselves and make “good” choices while developing into productive caring and respectful young adults.

Steve believes teachers need to be given research based, proven, practical strategies and applications that they can start implementing immediately – without throwing anything out that is working in their classrooms.  Educators have the toughest job in America as they are required daily to wear many different hats – mom, dad, nurse, counselor, teacher, adviser,  judge, jury, lawyer – just to name a few.  Steve understands that students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds, cultures, cognitive abilities, assets and experiences that are wide ranging.  Sometimes the only thing students have in common is their age!  The “one size fits all” approach does not work anymore.  Steve also knows the biggest unchallenged assumption by many today (especially politicians) about education is that kids are coming to school willing and ready to learn.

As educators, we know this is not the case.  We have a generation of kids coming to our schools basically UN-socialized.  Many students are learning behavior from  television, music, and a myriad of other influences.  Students spend endless hours communicating through today’s modern technology so that they barely know what to do or how to behave in the presence of other warm bodied humans.  Steve knows that as educators there may not be much we can do  from 4:00 PM until 8:00 AM;  but there is a lot we can do from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.

Steve is dedicated to helping educators be successful through motivation, inspiration, humor and a common-sense approach to stress management.  Most importantly, he leaves educators with as many proven, practical strategies as he can.  A student’s world can and will change through the interaction with as little as just one exceptional caring teacher.  We have all heard the many testimonials, graduation speeches or even eulogies that lay the credit squarely on the shoulders of that one particular educator.  Steve’s goal and deepest desire is to help you be that ONE!

  • National Trainer, Classroom Management
  • Graduate of California State University Long Beach
Steve Larson